In Defense of a Good Defense

Tips To Win A Child Custody Battle

Child custody battles can be so draining. They put both parents in a tight spot. But no matter how hard you try, the courts determine who gets custody. Luckily, you can do some things to increase your chances of winning the case. Here are some secrets that might help your case.

Hire a Child Custody Attorney

Your chances of becoming victorious in a child custody battle will increase if you seek legal help. You have to engage an expert who understands child custody law. In that case, a child custody attorney might help argue your case in court. They'll even offer some tips that should help increase your chances of winning.

Child custody attorneys have worked on many similar cases, and you can count on their experience to sway the odds in your favor. Moreover, they'll prevent you from making mistakes that might affect the outcome of the case.

Work Together As Parents

As much as you are not on good terms with your ex, they are still the parent of your child. You must keep your emotions and hatred for each other aside and work together to find a fair solution. If you can do so, it will be pretty easy to work out an out-of-court settlement. Even if you insist on having the court decide on the case, things will be much easier if you keep calm during the proceedings.

Mind What You Post on Social Media

Social media can work against you when it comes to child custody. That said, you need to be cautious of what you post on your wall. There is no need to post bad things about your ex. So, as much as you want to vent, avoid doing it online. Such posts will be used as evidence of parental alienation and might affect the chances of winning your child custody battle case.

Show That You Are a Good Parent

Courts will always side with the good parent. After all, the court wants what's best for the child. That said, you need to demonstrate to the court that you are good at parenting. You can present videos and pictures or have friends, neighbors, or relatives testify that you are a good parent. While at it, show that you'd love the child to spend time with you or the other parent, no matter the outcome. 

For more information, reach out to a child custody attorney near you.
