In Defense of a Good Defense

Reacting To An Auto Accident For Which You Feel Liable

The way you react to an auto accident determines whether others blame you for it or you get compensation for your damages. The right reaction is even more crucial if you feel responsible for the crash. Below are some tips on how to react if you feel liable for an auto accident.

Don't Admit Liability

Never admit liability after an auto accident, even if you feel you are in the wrong. For one, you cannot be certain of your liability in the first few moments after an accident. The adrenaline rush and confusion can make you feel liable for something that is not your fault.

The average person does not know much about accident reconstruction. Unless you have relevant experience, your analysis of the accident and its cause will likely be erroneous. Therefore, do not apologize to the other driver, offer to pay their damages, or make other gestures that constitute liability admission.

Don't Damage or Hide Evidence; Preserve It

Many accident victims know the value of evidence preservation. However, you should preserve evidence even if you think you are the liable party and a victim. Here are some tips for preserving evidence:

  • Take pictures of the accident scene, damages, and injuries
  • Keep torn clothing and other damaged personal items
  • Don't flee the accident scene before the police arrive

Evidence preservation will help you in two main ways. First, you can use the evidence as a defense if the other driver makes false allegations. Secondly, you can use the evidence to pursue damages if it turns out that another person is liable for the accident.

Consult an Auto Accident Lawyer

Consult a lawyer once you talk to the police, receive medical care, and inform your insurance company about the crash. An auto accident attorney can help you in various ways. For example, a lawyer can assess the accident and confirm whether you are at fault. The lawyer can defend you if you are truly guilty or help you pursue damages if you are the victim.

Note that you may not lose your right to compensation if you are partially liable for the crash. You may collect partial damages, depending on the state laws and your level of contribution to the crash. An auto accident lawyer will help you figure out all that.

Many auto accident lawyers offer free initial consultations for accident victims. Take advantage of the consultation to know whether you can pursue damages or need to defend yourself.
