In Defense of a Good Defense

When A Day At The Spa Leads To Injury, It Is Time To Act

A visit to the spa or salon should be filled with comfort and peace. Yet, for some people, their day, and potentially, the rest of their lives, is filled with pain and discomfort. If your visit to the spa ended with a trip to the doctor's office, you do have options.

Professional Liability

Being a salon or spa owner is about more than providing services to your clients, such as facials or massages. These owners also must protect their clients. This protection should first begin with the right staff. It is the duty of the business to ensure their workers are licensed and trained. 

The duty to protect should also involve an assurance that all equipment used is in proper working order and that the building is well maintained and in a safe condition. When a business owner knowingly fails to fulfill their obligation to any of these tasks, they may be liable for your injury. 

Injuries Limitations

In terms of injury limitations, never assume that your injury does not count or that it cannot be linked to your visit. Yes, a slip and fall in the salon or a burn from hot wax might seem like a standard salon or spa injury. Yet injuries are not limited to these sorts of scenarios.

An untrained technician can apply an inappropriate hair treatment to a client that causes permanent hair loss, or the salon could ignore proper sanitation practices and cause an infection in a client. Any injury that you can directly link to a visit to the salon should be discussed with an attorney so that you can seek proper compensation.

Moment of Pause

It is always important to mention that clients also play a role in their safety. In the same way the salon can face responsibility if they do not perform the proper steps, a client can be found responsible for their injuries if they make the same mistake.

Consider a client who has an intense laser treatment performed, for example. Assume the client is informed that they must limit their time in the sun for a week, but they do not. Any skin damage that occurs because of sun exposure could be the fault of the client since they did not follow the instructions provided.

Remember, the spa or salon staff must protect their clients. If you have been failed in this area, be sure to contact an attorney for help.

For more information, contact personal injury lawyers near you.
