In Defense of a Good Defense

Reasons Why You Should Not Hesitate To Hire A Child Custody Attorney

Divorce is never a pretty process, and things can get even uglier when there are minors involved in the proceedings. Even if you believe that your divorce proceedings will be relatively amicable, you should still hire a child custody attorney if there are children involved. People can become emotional when dealing with their children and your soon-to-be ex might have a different attitude in mind when it comes to the child custody negotiation, even if the rest of the divorce has gone smoothly. Here are just some of the reasons why you should hire a child custody attorney before moving forward.

The Other Side Has an Attorney

Imagine this scenario: your ex tells you that there is no need for things to get ugly and that he or she wants all matters to be resolved without any shouting matches. You take this to mean that lawyers won't be necessary, but then you show up for a hearing or to sit down at the negotiating table, only to find that your ex has brought an attorney with them. Don't get caught off guard like this. If only one side has an attorney, they will likely have a huge legal advantage over you. Hiring your own attorney is just good common sense, even if you do intend to keep things as peaceful as possible going forward.

Your Ex Lives in a Different State

If your ex or soon-to-be ex lives in a different state than you, things can become more complicated. The exact rules and regulations regarding child custody can vary by state, and things could change depending on where the hearing is held or where the child is currently living. It could be difficult enough to understand the laws just in your own state, never mind having to research what's going on in the law books where your ex lives. A child custody attorney will be familiar with custody laws throughout the country or, at the very least, will be more adept at researching and understanding them than you currently are.

Your Ex or Soon-to-Be Ex Is Limiting Contact

Whether you are about to get divorced or are already in a child custody agreement, you probably have certain expectations. Every parent will want to see their child as much as possible, but in some cases, your ex could be making an active effort to limit your contact. Whether your ex is not complying with a current agreement or you just expect them to go all out during the upcoming divorce proceedings, you need to make sure you are prepared for the battle ahead. An attorney can make sure your rights are maintained

For more information, contact a firm like Hart Law Offices, PC.
