In Defense of a Good Defense

Been In A Car Accident? 4 Issues You Need To Discuss With Your Legal And Medical Teams

If you've been in a serious car accident, the first thing you need to do is seek medical attention. Once you've received medical care for your injuries, you need to start keeping an injury journal. You might not realize this, but you may continue to experience new issues in the days, weeks and months, following your accident. A journal will allow you to document any changes you experience. This information will also help your attorney negotiate the best settlement for you. Here are four specific issues you should watch for after a serious car accident. 

Increased Headaches

It's not unusual to develop a headache after a car accident, especially when you suffer a concussion. However, with medical care, the headache should go away. If you've been suffering an increased number of headaches after your car accident, you may have suffered more significant damage than you originally suspected. If your headaches are getting worse, and over-the-counter medication isn't dulling the pain, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. You also need to document the issue in your journal. 

Delayed Onset of Pain

During an accident, virtually every part of your body may be affected, even if you're wearing your seat belt. That's why it's so important that you pay attention to any pain you might experience in your neck or joints. A car accident can cause your head to move back and forth quite violently, which can cause serious injuries to your neck. The tightening of your seat belt and shoulder restraint can cause injury to your shoulder and hips. Finally, the force of the accident can cause your knees to come in contact with the dashboard or the seat in front of you. 

Mood or Personality Changes

If you've been in a serious accident, it's important that you watch for any changes in your mood or personality. You might not realize this, but traumatic brain injuries can cause you to experience these types of changes. Some of these changes may include increased agitation or irritability. These changes should be noted in your journal so that you can discuss them with your medical and legal teams. 

Development of Phobias

Finally, if you've been in a serious accident, you may find that you're fearful of riding in cars for a while. In most cases, the fear will diminish over time. However, if you find that your fear is taking over your life and preventing you from driving, or even going outside, you may have developed a phobia as a result of your accident. 

If you've been in a car accident, seek medical and legal assistance right away. Your medical team will help you recover from your injuries. A personal injury attorney from a firm like Caldwell Kennedy & Porter will ensure that you receive the compensation you're entitled to for your pain and suffering.
